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(Our Heart Our Soul) Edition of "Jan 2002"

We are amongst the few lucky ones who had the privilege to be with the Almighty Gurudev Sri Anand Sai Ji. Very few were blessed to have His 'darshan'. He lived within a very small circle and never went into public, He never even gave His name on the books though He penned them. All His creations were unnamed. Only the publisher's name was printed. While we look back into the past we can't hold back the role of Guru Mata (wife of Beloved "Papa"). She was a very pious lady, a saintly soul. She supported 'Papa' in totality while He was in sadhna. As she also saintly hence she could very well understand "Papa's" state and take care of Him. She was a source of inspiration for Papa on the path of self-realisation.

     Guru Mata used to serve naivedya to Sri Ramji's statue which is installed at their residence. The statue is not merely a statue but is 'Jagrut'. Whenever Sri Swami Seetaramdasji Maharaj stayed at Papa's place He used to perform His prayers before this statue. Once it so happened that Sri Swami ji visited their place. He went straight to Sri Ramji and as usual garlanded Him. Then He turned to Guru Mata and said, "Mani (He used to call her by this name) why has My Ramji turned pale? Have you not served food to Him?" And as a matter of fact she had not served naivedya due to her bad health. Guru Mata said, "Ji Swami ji, I have not done so since last few days due to my bad health." Swami ji then said to Guru Mata, "Mani ! health or no health, you should never fail to serve prasad to Mere Ram daily as you do. You should not miss that at all. Whatever may be the reason or condition. "To this Guru Mata said, "Ji Swami ji". And since then she never failed to do so. She followed the command of Gurudev without fail.

      Similarly on one other occasion when Swami ji visited Papa's residence as usual a garland was kept ready for Swami ji as He always garlanded Ramji as soon as He reached this place. Swami ji garlanded Ramji and so did Papa a after Him. As soon as Papa garlanded Ramji Sri Swami ji said, "Munnu! (He used to call Papa by this name) what have Guru Maharaj is present in ones house then Guru Maharaj is the first priority. So never do this again He does not like it. A devotee's job is not to see to anyone else. For him all incarnations of God are in his Guru."

    When the Guru decides to guide His children, he overcomes one's shortcomings with such simplicity and love. How simply Swamiji brought to Gurudev's attention, the importance of first pleasing one's Guru, to please the Lord. See, how Swami ji Himself told the importance of guru in our lives. this instance teaches us a lot.

    The souls who are sent with a definite purpose of the upliftment of mankind are easily identified amongst the masses if ones inner eye is open. Such souls have Divine looks, a special attraction in their physique. One wishes to go looking at them continuously. The eyes stop flickering at their sight. The physical presence of such personalities changes the atmosphere, the environment around the place.

    Once Papa happened to attend a marriage ceremony of His relative. It was lavish party. The atmosphere was quite different, with drinks being served and all riches were on show. There were different enclosures. Papa went through every enclosure and as He entered an enclosure He saw that a dancer was singing and dancing on the stage. As soon as He stepped in the dancer had His glimpse. And as He moved in the dancer's eyes followed Him. She forgot singing and was just gazing at papa. As soon as she became normal she stopped singing songs and instead sang 'Hamad' (songs in praise of God). All of a sudden the atmosphere changed. papa left that place. After the programme was over the dancer wanted to meet papa. First 'Papa' hesitated. But on her consistent request He went to meet here. She bowed to Papa and sat at His Feet with tears falling down here cheeks. She said, on seeing papa she had a very different experience. she felt she had found her Preceptor whom she had been searching for since long. She was transformed into different a being in no time. She prayed, "Please bless me and keep your hand on my head." papa politely refused. On this she said the devotion of this maid is true then you will have to bless me by keeping your hand on my head). she refused to leave the place unless and until she was blessed. Papa tried to convince her in several ways to leave her persistence. But she remained unmoved. with tears flowing she begged for her wish to be fulfilled. A dance, who made people dance to her tunes was begging for penance. Finally Papa had to concede to her persistence. he kept His hand on her head and blessed her. The dancer was very thankful for the blessings and herself renounced dancing. Since that day onwards she left dancing and led a very pious life. Only a glimpse of a Divine soul was sufficient to transform her. Her inner awareness was enlightened.

     Every act of the Master is to teach us, it acts as a guide for us commoners. The above instance also teaches us that if you devotion is true, if your prayers are from the bottom of your heart then they are heard, positively heard by the Almighty. Needed is ones true and whole hearted devotion.

     In view of the prevailing world conditions we request you all to join us and pray with us at the Lotus Feet of you Beloved Gurudev for world peace. O Papa! We your children pray the Thy Lotus Feet. let good senses prevail, Let all understand the truth of Oneness. O Papa! give peace to this world. Amen

Man is after Man
Bloodshed everywhere
let peace prevail
O Lord we humbly pray
In the depth of despair,
In misery and hatred,
We pray O Lord,
grant hope,
Have Mercy and forgive us.
Let Peace, reign true
Let every soul feel your Love
So True, wherever they may be.
Hey Maa! Daya, Kripa, Kshama.
Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!

   "Sri Guru Charanam Samarpayami"

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