Non violence in Hindi means 'Ahimsa' while violence means 'Hinsa' in Hindi. Now if you look at these two Hindi versions of non violence and violence you will find the difference in these two words (when written in English) is just on alphabet 'A'. If this small difference of the first alphabet 'A' is understood by human beings, there will be no violence on this earth. The whole world can only then live in peace and harmony.
We have seen for ourselves Universalism in teachings and acts of our Beloved Papa Sir Anand Sai Ji. Sir Sai Geeta penned by Him is a real example of Universalism. He used to say Sai-ism is Universalism. And this is proved when one goes through "Si Sai Geeta'. We quote verse from Sri Sai Geeta.
In one of His messages Beloved Papa Sri Anand Sai Ji has aid Love all as your very own self. When you hate and look down on people of other faiths, you are nothing more than a beast.
Gurudev said Love all as your very won self. Now, if we turn to ourselves, even a small injury gives us a lot of pain. If that is our state then just think, can you hurt anyone if you can feel his pain for yourself. If one can feel others pain then one will never ever hurt anyone. Though we have taken different forms but eternally we all are one. One without a second. We are incarnations of the one Puran Paramatman. When we atmans are part of Pramatman then how can we hate or look down on others. If beasts do this then one can understand as they don't have brain to think or to understand the truth behind all beings. God has given us, humans brain to think to understand the truth. And that is the basic cause of birth, then why don't we understand the truth. Why is there violence for petty matters. Violence takes us nowhere. Violence takes the precious lives of innocents for no faults of theirs Violence creates volcanoes from which the poison of hatred is emitted. Violence gives birth to more violence. Why can't we brothers sit together and discuss the matters peacefully without creating violence. Why can't we understand the truth behind this illusive world. We can, we positively can and we should think with peaceful minds, what gaineth thee by unnecessary violence bloodshed.
"Loving all as your very own self", here lies the secret of non-violence. Just think and understand what nonviolence means. Nonviolence is not only hurting others physically but also not to hurt others even by your thoughts, action and speech. And that is what all Mystics have taught. And we, their followers have forgotten the basic teachings of our holy scriptures. What matters if you call Him by any name. When he is the tree and se His branches and leaves are also one with Him. And everything is one then from where does this hatred come? Love Love Love, Love one, Love all!
Before concluding let us come together and prey at the Lotus Feet of Gurudev, at the Lotus Feet of Baba Sai Nath.
Let hatred doom
Love bloom
We your children pray
Let love prevail
O! Lord let love prevail
"Sri Guru Charanam Samarpayami"