The group left Nagpur on 21st Nov. 2000. First programme was held at Sri Sai Baba temple, Agra on 22nd Now. Then onwards on programme was held daily at different Sai Baba Temples in Delhi for five days at a stretch. All the programmes were very well attended. Tears rolling down the cheeks of devotees were enough proof of their reception and feelings. Some of the devotees narrated their dreams wherein Baba Himself asked them to attend the programme. Last programme at Sri Sai Baba temple, Lodhi Road, Delhi was quite extraordinary. All those present at the temple on that day were seen dancing. The atmosphere was immensely charged with devotion. It was a lifetime experience. Over all this small trip was a grand success. Enquiries for the next programme started pouring in from the devotees.
Encouraged by the response received and by the Grace of Almighty Gurudev it has been decided to offer our services to all Sri Sai Baba Temples, Satsang Mandals and organizations. If any organization desires to organize such "Sri Sai Geeta" programme they are welcomed to write us. Such organizers are requested to inform us about the date on which they propose to organize the programme. Let it be made clear at the first instance that we will not be charging even a penny for the same. But the place where the programme is proposed to be held being new for us accommodation and conveyance will have to be arranged. Let the Nectar in form of "Sri Sai Geeta" show the way of living, the path to spirituality and enlighten every soul so that it merges in Baba's Blossom ultimately.
Our heart - Our Soul, Our Beloved Gurudev Sri Anand Sai Jee has taught us selfless service to all living beings. And, this is our most humble contribution for the betterment of mankind.
By the Grace of Almighty Gurudev may this Nectar bestow peace and happiness on one and all. This is our humble prayer at the Lotus Feet of Gurudev for the New Year, for the New Millennium.
"Sri Guru Charanam Samarpayami"