Sri Sai Satcharitra is full of such actions of Baba Sai Nath which we as human beings cannot even imagine of. Here all modern day science and logic fails. Can a disease be cured by Udi or ash? Can lamps burn with water? How can one explain such things? Modern people will call it imagination, but can anyone explain how the Udi from Akhand Dhuni in Dwarkamai of Baba Sai Nath is still curing many people. Yes, Faith! firm faith is a must . All Their deeds, their actions come from within and are instantaneous. God realized souls are not bounded by any rules and regulations. There are no limitations for Them, Their words can't fail. Whatever They say is bound to happen. And it is not possible for we humans to put their life in words. It is only possible if He Himself wishes to do so. Their lives are guides for us human beings. They come in flesh and blood to show us the path which leads to Them. Only They Themselves are capable of showing Their own path.
In our last meeting through this column we saw how the hidden Gurutatva in Beloved Papa (then known as Shri Manohar Lal ji Uberoi) was revealed. Though He was reluctant but He had to fulfill the task for which He had come to this earth. It was in July 1971 when after two and a half years the Gurutatva was revealed. After revelation, things started to move at a brisk pace. Shri Bakshiji, Shri Rajendra Paul, Shri Pooranchand Ratti and Shri Chamanlal Bhandari were regular visitors to Beloved Papa's residence. A marble statue of Sri Ramaji was installed in the room. It was not just a statue, it was empowered ( jagrut ). As we have already narrated earlier Sri Swami Sitaramdas ji Maharaj whenever visited Beloved Papa's place he used to perform His prayer there in that room in front of that statue. Lord Sri Ramji used to talk with Sri Swamiji. Sri Guru Mata used to offer prasadam daily to the Lord. Beloved Papa Himself had many experiences from that empowered statue of Shri Ramji.
The prayers were held daily at 7.00 p.m. Shri Indermohanji Bhambri used to sing bhajans and Beloved Papa gave discourses. Slowly as the message spread the gathering began to increase. After some time the daily prayers were held twice a day. One in the morning at 6.30 and second one at 6.30 in the evening. Then the prayers were held in the hall at Beloved Papa's residence. Apart from morning and evening prayer many people met Papa privately. Beloved Papa was very strict about punctuality. One should be in his seat before the prayer begin - He said. If you are invited to attend a function where a worldly dignatory is also attending you make it a point to reach the venue before time. Or even if you go to witness a sports event you are very eager to reach the venue well before the game starts. But in case of spiritual or religious function where you are going to be in attendance of the Almighty, the Lord of Lords, the Creator and Manipulator of the universe, you are not eager to reach in time, you take things for granted. Falsely believing that He can't see us, we are at liberty. But no, we forget that He is all pervading. He takes note of our every action. Your punctuality, then how you sit in His presence, how you behave etc. everything is taken note by Him. Physical presence is not important your presence in totality is more important. Even God tests us in between. Beloved Papa narrated this ee opening story. A wish of a rich man was fulfilled by Baba Sai Nath. So he went to the temple with all pomp and show. A beautiful shawl, a costly garland, costly riches the Sethji reached the temple. He performed the pooja with an ego that he was doing a great thing which was being watched by many visitors there. Now people would call him a religious and generous person. After performing the pooja as soon as he came out of the temple a poor beggar in rags asked him for alms and the seth was annoyed. He started abusing the beggar and asked him to get lost. The beggar who actually was none other then Baba Himself who had taken the form to test the seth. But the seth failed miserably. He spent lavishly in performing the pooja of a stone statue, showering it with flowers, devoutly offering prasad, but was indifferent to the real form of God in flesh and blood. Such offerings are of no value in the eyes of God. Beloved Gurudev Sri Anand Sai ji said a penny from honest earnings given to a needy is more valuable than constructing temples, dharamshalas , hospitals etc. after earning money through unfair means. He also said spiritually the commands and discpline is more stringent than in the military.
After hearing Beloved Papa's discourses people asked Papa for initiation. Initiation from a Satguru is possible only after one treads the path of truth to a certain extent in ones previous births. Initiation from Satguru opens the flood gates of Divine blessings and protection. Beloved Papa said getting initiation from a Satguru is like putting ones neck in the mouth of a lion. There is no necessity to say what will be the end if ones neck is in the jaws of a lion. Similarly if one is gets initiated by a Satguru than be rest assured that one is bound to get redeemed from the cycle of birth and death. Further it depends on the sincerity of the initiated one which pulls the Divine Grace and intimately decides the fate. God realization after initiation from Satguru is possible in the same birth if one is totally sincere and whole heartedly longs for it. Mind well, whole heartedly, not even .0001% less. Ones sincerity pulls the Divine Grace and attainment of the Goal is possible. Otherwise it may take an pother 10,20,100,1000 or even more births but its for sure one is bound to attain the ultimate. This is the importance of initiation from a Satguru . At least ones attainment of goal is finalized. Let us make it clear once again only ones sincerity is of no use, it takes you no where. Satguru 's Grace is of utmost importance.
Now initiation started. Slowly the number went on increasing. Mass diksha was one or two couples at a time. Some Beloved Papa knew their past and future. Kids were attracted towards Him by the virtue of His love. He loved children very much because He Himself became a child when in company of children. It was His love which pulled children towards Him. He taught them Baba's path of love, truth and faith in their own language. The foundation was being laid by the Supreme Power Himself.
Papa was diagnosed with having kidney stones. It was decided to remove the stones by operation. He was admitted in Mure Memorial Hospital, Nagpur on 7th Feb. 1972. He was operated on 8th Feb. 1972 by Dr. Narula, Dr. Prakash was also present during the operation. The big and six small stone pieces were removed. Now the most important part of this operation was that before the anesthesia was given to Beloved Papa. He said "Jai Satchitanand" and went into samadhi . He was in samadhi for several hours and when he gained consciousness He again said "Jai Satchitanand". He was away from His physical form while it was being operated upon. Such are the deeds of God realized ones. Can we the human beings understand such things by our intellect? So we stop here once again and will meet you again through our next issue i.e. January 2003. We wish all our readers a Happy Deepawali and New Year filled with the Grace of Baba Sai Nath. May Thy will be fulfilled.
"Sri Guru Charanam Samarpayami"