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(Our Heart Our Soul) Edition of "July 2001"

On the occasion of GURU PUJA DAY, we most humbly bow at the Lotus Feet of our Beloved PAPA, our Gurudev SRI ANAND SAI JI who was none other than the incarnation of ADI GURU SRI DATTARAYA Bhagwan.

     This GURU PUJA day is the occasion for all the shishyas to pray at the altar of their GURUDEV for the choicest of His Blessings and Grace, so that they can tread on the path shown by Him with greater courage It is the occasion for all of us to thank our all powerful all merciful Almighty GURUDEV for all that He has done to uplift us. We are full of weaknesses and our mind is always wavering. On this occasion, we all should pray to our Guru to give us devotion and strength to resist temptations. Lucky sojourns on earth are those who are accepted by beloved Gurudev. In Kaliyuga it is very difficult to have a truthful Guru. Very few are blessed ones, who are baptized by a real truthful Gurudev. The Grace of the Guru is most sublime and it works miracles in a devotees life. Our Beloved Gurudev Sri Anand Sai used to say, curing diseases, making reaches, giving jobs and fulfilling similar worldly desires are very easy and simple things for the Almighty Gurudev. What the Guru really does is that He changes the life of His devotee. This is the Guru's real Grace. None can repay in any way, in any mode to the Gurudev for all the mercies received, but still a token of gratitude and humbleness should be tributed. There can be no better tribute than to try to follow the teachings of ones own Guru. Try to mould your life as per Guru's wishes. Seeing shishyas honesty in doing so, the Guru is pleased and by His Grace the shishyas life changes.

      We congratulate all the shishyas of the Gurus on this occasion.

      Now to continue further about Our Gurudev Sri Anand Sai Ji. In the last issue we learnt how Pap met His preceptor. Before we move further let us peep into the life of Sri Sri 1008 Sri Swami Sitaramdas Ji Maharaj. Sri Swami Ji was born in the village Sarvulta in U.P. As a child he was very soft hearted, pious and God loving. At the tender age of ten this child left His house in search of Lord Sri Ram .He faced all the hardships of the jungle and performed tapasya in dense forests. He met his preceptor on the banks of the holy river Ganga in Bengal. This was the turning point as before leaving his physical form, Gurudev passed the Guru Tatva to Sri Swami Ji. For Swami Ji, the land, temple and ashram were becoming obstacles in His sadhna. One day He left the ashram and set out to attain His goal. He travelled to the Himalayas, where He met a great saints immersed in sadhna for several years. Here, He met a great saint who had seen a Kaliugi Jeev for the first time.

     In the search of truth, Swamiji went on traveling and visiting holy places. Swami Ji was always guided by His Gurudev from within. he finally came down to Ramtek in Maharashtra and learnt yoga from Sri Swami Satchitranand. Here He developed a mutual love with a child called "Tukdya" This child was later known as "Rashtriya Sant Sri Tukdoji Maharaj". Swami Ji established an ashram, in Mandla, in M.P. on the banks of the Holy river Narmada. he had immense strength due to Brahmacharya and Yoga. His yogic kriyas had no bounds. After our beloved Papa came in His contact, He asked Papa to conduct morning and evening prayers daily, during His presence and stay at Nagpur. Swami Ji was a trikaldarshi saint and He knew the future of His devotee, as to what is the purpose for which Sai Maa has sent this child on earth. Sri Anand Sai Ji received special love and affection from Sri Swami Ji. He used to call him "MUNNU". They used to sit for hours together in a closed room. Here Swami Ji gave Him divine nectar of Holy Ramam nama. Papa's love for His Guru was so immense that tears used to roll down from His eyes even on the slightest mention of Swami Ji's name. He very affectionately and devotedly narrated about Swami Ji every now and then. We shall quote His narrations in between.

     Beloved Gurudev Sri Anand Sai Ji has Himself penned Swami sitaramdas Ji's Jeevani in Hindi poetry form. This we are printing in our Hindi section titled "Sri Guru Leela Amrit".

     So this is the brief about Sri Swami Ji, the Guru of Sri Anand Sai Ji; a great saint of kaliuga. During the childhood of Papa, Baba Sri Sai nath Himself came in the form of a Saint and initiated Him. In the later part of His life Sri Swami Ji then taught Him Ram Bhakti and explained Ram Tatva. As we move on we will learn more about Sri Anand Sai Ji's earthly sojourn.

     The pen, the mind, the brain cannot narrate the Life of our Beloved Gurudev. He is far beyond the words, mind and intellect. Our millions and millions of regards at The Lotus Feet of our Gurudev. O! Gurudev please accept our humble salutations. O! Mother Gurudev we can't narrate anything about you, but we have a satvik bhav in our mind that your earthly sojourn should be known to this world as you lived a celluloid life while on earth. Your ideal life should guide the aspirants of Divinity. Gurudev on this Guru Puja day we you7r children pray at Thy Lotus Feet and beg, give us courage so that we are able to spread your message of love, truth and peace to every nook and corner of this world. You are known to each and every soul. Your life guides everyone as Lord Rama's is still guiding the world. Gurudev please accept our prayers.

       Pahiman!   Pahiman!!   Pahiman!!!

       "Sri Guru Charanam Samarpayami"

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